TED 翻译合集-持续更新

  1. The shocking danger of mountaintop removal — and why it must end
  2. How conscious investors can turn up the heat and make companies change
  3. The story of Marvel’s first queer Latina superhero
  4. How “baby bonds” could help close the wealth gap
  5. Visions of Africa’s future, from African filmmakers
  6. What are the most important moral problems of our time?
  7. Me Too is a movement, not a moment
  8. Stunning buildings made from raw, imperfect materials
  9. How we can help the “forgotten middle
  10. “My Man” / “Bohanna” / “We Dance”
  11. An AI smartwatch that detects seizures
  12. Victims of the city
  13. How women in Pakistan are creating political change
  14. How to make applying for jobs less painful
  15. Empower a girl, transform a community
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